Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 53

I updated a post: Day 38 Click it.

Also- Most of the shots that I've taken for self portraits are not smiley. I don't like to smile in photos really. I generally don't like my smile. I don't know why. Whatever.

Here's one to prove that I'm capable of smiling at least...

I'd really like a mint mocha latte from Starbucks. Tastes like a Thin Mint. Melisa had one the other day and I'm jealous. I keep trying to go to Starbucks but it keeps being closed. And then today Carrie said she thinks they ran out of the mint syrup. Besides being unemployed... not being able to secure myself a mint mocha SOMETHING from starbucks is my biggest issue. Today.


Anonymous said...

You got a purday mouth.

No really you do.

As far as the mint mocha..
You will get one oh yes. You will Get one. Either that or im driving you out one. It may how ever be cold by the time it reaches you.

Jenny Galacar said...

that is the cutest pictures! you should smile in pictures more!!!