Saturday, December 19, 2009

the 'other' AA

I have a new blog, devoted to the Aidan's Attic endeavor so you won't be reading about that here anymore- because this is supposed to be about photography, not my fledgling 'non-photography' business!

New Blog

I hope you check in on that occasionally- I got some good news today... you'll have to read all about it on the other blog. =]

It's snowing! I hope to be able to take some winter wonderland photos tomorrow morning- my camera battery is charging just in case we should lose power... for now, reading and bedtime!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dog Collars

Listen. I know this is supposed to be about my photography, but I've been busy with this side business of mine, and I'm enjoying what I'm making a LOT and want to share with you, loyal readers.

I'm just really pleased with how these are coming out. I took the photos really quickly this afternoon and didn't put a lot of thought or time into them, but I'm pretty pleased with how they came out too!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I sold two camera strap covers this morning- I am super duper excited because:
1. I've been making stuff and not putting it on Etsy and this isn't exactly cheap, and not the best way to recoup my costs.
2. I've been unemployed for well over a year now, and any income at all is welcome.
3. If I sold not just one, but two! camera strap covers, that must mean I'm not the only one who thinks they're super rad!

I should be getting dog collar hardware in the mail soon, at which point, those will be going up too. I think they're just fantastic, and actually pretty fun to make!

That is all, resume your normal Thursday activities...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

breaking news!!

I don't have to sew sitting on the floor anymore!!

Photo Update from the last week or so...

Melisa's husband Ryan's birthday was last week and Jim made him a dirt bike birthday cake. Ryan says repeatedly how he doesn't have a lot of friends, but seriously- quality over quantity. Jim is a good friend. The cake was three layers, chocolate, vanilla and funfetti, with vanilla pudding in between the layers and it weighed about a ton.

Thanksgiving at my house was Friday, because we went to Kate's house for the actual holiday. This was our beautiful turkey mere moments before it was carved. Best stuffing ever.

Aidan doing what he does best...

This is from today- I made a double sided bandana for Will- it slips over his collar so it won't fall off. I didn't use a pattern for it, so another trial and error project. I know what to do differently next time around, but I was pretty pleased with it quite frankly. He certainly was.
This is the backside of it, we'll flip it a little closer to Christmas...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Busy Busy!

Hope everybody had a lovely Thanksgiving!

I've been busy lately (applying for jobs of course) and sewing stuff. I started out making balsam and lavender sachets, which smell woooooonderful and are superduper cute, as well as some cat toys. Actually I started out with the cat toys- I wanted to make some catnip toys that weren't obnoxious looking- that people like me could get and it would sort of fit into their living room decor or whatever, and not be this bright pink sparkly crap that, um... I don't care for much. I also prefer toys that don't have bells in them, or don't make noise (although I'm making some of those too). I'm pretty particular about what's acceptable around here. So I made some catnip toys- some standard, some that you can throw in the microwave for a few seconds and rejuvenate the catnip. Aidan loved this project of mine, but now I think he's all catnip-ed out. Then I started making the sachets- which I love, but got boring after awhile.

So now I've been working on camera strap covers- there's a link on the right of the screen to my Etsy store- but there are only two strap covers listed at this moment, and both of them are coming down today and being replaced with the new and improved strap covers. They're pretty adorable, add some personality to your camera, and prevent your neck from being irritated by the standard strap that comes with SLR cameras. I'll branch out at some point and make bags for point and shoots or something- eventually, but don't hold your breath.

And finally, I've made a few dog leashes. I actually enjoy this the most, and once I get a few dollars together, I'll be investing in the hardware to make a bunch more, and collars. They're going to be fabulous. I might even make a few cat collars, Aidan can model them, but there's no way he'll be sporting one in "real life".

I'd like to mention that I've been doing all of this sewing sitting on the floor of my room, using a plastic tote box as a desk. Using the foot pedal with one hand and guiding the fabric with another. This is not easy. I think I'm at a slight disadvantage here.

So- these photos are a sampling of the offerings- but are first runs/ learning to do what I do projects. New and Improved Coming Soon!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Randomness to the Extreme

Things are happening around here. We're having a yard sale October 17th- probably rain or shine. So this means I'm rutting through my childhood finding stuff to sell and throwing a TON of stuff away (and recycling of course!) The attic is pretty much done, just have to start bringing stuff down to the garage. These are some of the things I found. The last time I found my pocket rocker it worked. I haven't checked this one yet. By the way, the only "cassette" I ever had for that was Tequila/ LaBamba (shown in photo).
Then I found this giant NKOTB button. Somebody (my mom probably) decided that I should have a NKOTB birthday party because everybody liked them. Except me. So I had a NKOTB cake, table cloth, cups and plates... and all my presents. Awesome.

And to close, my room smells fantastic. I love the smell of balsam. I just found out Dave doesn't. I'm concerned for him. Just so sad.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New York Trip

This past weekend Jenny B and I went to go visit Dan in NYC. Dan lives in Brooklyn, so it was almost like I was hanging out with Dan and Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl, except these two aren't related, even though we all bicker like we are. Ha.

So the weekend started out with me trekking up to Peabody to Jenny's absolutely adorable new apartment. We had some sangria and Katie and Steve came up for a visit. I haven't seen them since March, and Katie has the cutest baby bump! We may have gone to bed a little later than we should have, but we got up (before the sun did) and got ourselves to South Station (even though I took the wrong exit) and where the parking garage was. We could see it, but not how to get INTO it. After 15 minutes of circling the place, I finally decided we had to just park wherever so we wouldn't miss the bus or lose our seats. So... we did that. We got to the bus just in time, and missed the opportunity to grab a coffee or something to eat. 4 hours later we were in NYC, eating a delicious bagel and drinking some mediocre coffee at the Tick Tock diner while we waited for Dan to show up.

We had lunch at this interesting restaurant called SweetiePie where Jenny met up with some of her dollie friends- who were super duper nice!

Dan expressing how weirded out he is by all the dolls on the table... he got used to it eventually.

After lunch, we went to Central Park, to Strawberry Fields. There's a mosaic at the entrance to that part of the Park...

Umm... so I meant to finish this and post it DAYS ago. oops.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hi folks,
No new photos to post, unfortunately... but I wanted to share this with you... what... maybe three people that check out my blog?

Camera Gear Rental

Instead of paying a gazillion dollars plus shipping and tax and whatnot for a new lens you're not sure you really need, or will use that much, you can 'borrow' the lens, or flash or whatever your heart desires from this company.

I'm fascinated by the idea of it, because the other sites that I've seen that do this, make you put a deposit down for the value of the lens, and will refund it back to you when you return it. That sort of defeats the purpose of 'borrowing' a lens in the first place, n'est pas?

Anyway, the prices are good, they offer insurance, and a variety of rental times, and you can reserve a lens in advance to make sure they have it in stock. They also sell their used equipment on occasion, so it's a good place to check for deals.

I've recently become an affiliate for them, so there's that banner on the side of the blog if you ever want to rent something, please click through that link so I'll get credit. As an unemployed girl, I can use all the help I can get. Aside from this post and seeing that link on the side, and mentioning the site once I get some awesome shots with my fisheye lens or something... this will be the last you'll hear of it from me. Most of you have already heard about this site from me anyway though, so it's old news!

ok... maybe ONE photo...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I still take photos. I'm just clearly too lazy to post them daily as I should be. So here's a hodgepodge of whatnots I've quickly pulled forth for your amusements.

Grace, my mother's cat.
Some summer flowers...

My handsome Aidan cat.
Nostalgia. Laying in my twin bed, looking out my old bedroom window, drinking coffee out of my old coffee mug, and my old CT plates over head...

Maine. Love it.
Long car ride...
Life necessities.
Waiting for the ferry...
in the fog.
Pea Porridge Pond.

The End.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009