Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 4- Death and Destruction.

Whatever. I give up.

My hard drive got knocked over this morning. I just plugged it back in, and its making a bit of a buzzing noise and the computer won't recognize it.

All my photographs are gone.

If anybody knows how to or knows someone that can recover hard drive files, cheaply... please let me know. I can't afford to shell out hundreds of dollars. I really just can't.


Jenny Galacar said...

awww I'm sorry, liz. i wish i could help. :(

MercWorks said...

Find out if your hard drive is IDE or SATA, then buy an enclosure. This'll allow you to hook it up to a running machine and try to recover the data.

If the computer doesn't recognize it this way, the only other option is level three data recovery, which can cost into the thousands.