Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 3- Sorta... Maybe I Cheated a Little

I'm posting this on Day 4, no matter what the date might say. I'm trying to keep this clean and organized, and saying I'm posting Day 3 on Day 4's date is not clean and organized. I had big plans for yesterday, I swear I did, but got distracted by the job posting that is PERFECT for me. So I worked on my resume and cover letter instead.

I downloaded a trial of Photoshop Elements 7, because technically, since I don't really know how to do anything, that should be enough for me. But after using Photoshop CS4 for a couple of months, this is such a step down, I'm not sure I can take it. Plus, I don't know how to do anything. It took me a long time to figure out how to even make a photo black and white. Not ok. CS4 is where its at. If anybody is looking for a nice birthday present... ordering me a $10 "free" trial for 30 days would be great. You probably thought I'd ask for the full version... sigh. No. I'll get it myself some day, when I have a laptop that can handle CS4's power. Gadgets. Love 'em.

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