Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Few Things:

* Jon is coming home this weekend.
* Darrell turned 30 yesterday.
* I learned how to set the white balance on my camera in the last week. Yes, that's right. I love automatic settings. Or I did, until I realized what I had been missing out on...
* My light box sucks. Or, the very expensive black cardboard I bought as a back drop for white based products sucks- it's not really black and that's important to me.
* Mariah and Dan both got jobs last week, and both started this week (I think). I am very happy for them, and am wondering when mine will show up.
* I'm freezing cold right now- Freezing. It's warmer outside than it is in here I think. My fingers are like icicles. No joke.
* Watched 1000 Ways to Die last night- what a creepy show.
* Got Lady GaGa "The Fame Monster" cd a week or so ago. FANTASTIC.
* Going to go make some tea now to warm up. It's almost 2:30pm and I really don't get how my day just slips away from me...
* Must go sew now.... bye.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I'm guessing someone would rather I paid attention to them instead of using the lightbox...

very subtle.

New York Trip- Part 3

New York Trip- Part 2

I was going through my blog here to see what kind of junk I've posted over the last year (and a lot of it is junk- believe me, I know it.) and realized I never posted the second half of my NYC trip photos when Jenny and I went to see Dan. It's night photography, handheld, no tripod, so I was very happy with how things came out.

Ok. That's enough for part two. Part three coming right up!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010's 365 Photo Project


This blog was for my 2009 "365 Photo Project", but that was a fail- so I think for simplicity I'll be doing this on Flickr for 2010.

Hope you check it out- I'll be posting all sorts of good stuff here probably as frequently as I did for 2009!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hello all!

I hope each and every one of you has a fantastic, fun, and healthy 2010!

2009 wasn't the BEST year for me, but it certainly helped me along to where I am today. I always think back about decisions I've made and whether I'd make them a second time, and the answer is almost always "yes". The people I meet, the friends I make, and the experiences we share through the good times and bad, mold who we are today.

So- here's to a moldy new year!