Ok, I thought of something to report on.
TLC has ordered 12 episodes of Extreme Couponing and I'll be watching every single one.
Please, please, please shoot me if I ever do this. I'm all for the deals, but I'm not going to be buying and STOCKPILING 140 years worth of TP or deodorant.
I've started doing the couponing thing for real- I've tried it before, but it just turns into a mess. This time, I'm much more organized... but I'm not going to be dumpster diving either. There are LINES that I'm NOT willing to CROSS. Sorry.
It is so amazing that people can get $5000+ worth of stuff for $250, but what's he going to do with 100 toothbrushes? Why aren't these people donating more to the foodbanks and spending more time with their significant others? 70 hours a week isn't awesome. Time is money, and they're not saving anything, certainly not their marriages. It's hoarding. And scary.
*steps off soap box*
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