Thursday, April 1, 2010


we got some here if you want some. with the rain the last few days the water table rose so high that water was coming back up through a drain in the basement. we have doors in the basement so the water level never got over a 4-5 inches, but it ruined a lot of stuff. the fire department came and pumped us out and my mom and i did a lot of work over the course of the last few days. mike came over last night with an industrial shop vac and really got a lot of water up.

so. what i mean to say is...

sorry they're pretty crappy photos- but it's almost 7:30pm and I just caught the last light of the day (yes- it's still a little light out! whoo!)

And isn't it amazing that the little pansy popped up? I'm not even sure how that's possible! Fell out of the pot last year and rooted itself in the moss? Pretty freakin' cute!

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