That's right folks, I'm back. I took these photos last week, but haven't had the heart to post them. It's been a rough bunch of days. I miss my Neil.
So... without further ado, here's what was going on in my life between the hours of 4 and 8PM on March 31, 2009.

Almost as unflattering as it gets- fresh out of the shower, no makeup and a super warming setting on the camera. oops.

What I really felt like doing... that's Grace. Now that I sleep in my "real" room, she's taken over my other bed.

Aidan being a BAD CAT. He's not supposed to be on the table (any table) and that's screen he's doing his downward dog yoga pose on... he never seems to use his claws, but he certainly feels guilty for his actions and when he saw me cried and complained and apologized in a snotty way like a good cat should.

"See mom? I was right here the WHOLE time. I don't know WHAT you're talking about!!"


This dog has learned to use the power of guilt too. See how he's missing half his lower jaw? He likes to remind us that he had cancer and we should be nicer to him and give him treats on a much more regular basis...

My coffee mug. I switch is up between the Woodstock mug and my Optasite mug. There's very little variation on that though.

The bourbon coffee I got my for a souvenier from my last trip to CA. This was from the Kentucky airport. I'm not sure there could have been a better gift.

Aidan's kind of bulimic. So... he doesn't like his photo taken when he's binging.

And he doesn't like to share.

Even though there are two dishes. Grace knows the score here...

That's my car.

That's the stuff in my car that I should take out.

That's where my satellite radio used to be in my car, but I ripped it down because it made me sad.

That needs no caption.

The "Punk goes Crunk" CD Kate made me last Thursday morning.

Getting the mail. Turnpike Buyer was the only good thing.

That's the stop sign that I almost took out at the beginning of the winter season, and instead of buying $600 worth of winter tires, opted out of driving in any sort of inclement weather for 4 months. So I wouldn't die. Low profile tires are stupid.

This is me looking both ways before making a left turn on to Route 6. I looked both ways a bunch of times, without camera in hand. Don't worry about me.

Route 6. On a beautiful 60 degree spring day.

You can see my house from the road. Which is handy. For me anyway.

New stop light. I don't really care for it. Except that if you're coming from Prince Hill or Church Street, the light changes immediately so you don't have to wait. I guess that's cool. I don't come that way often.

My favorite track on the Punk goes Crunk CD.

This used to be a rotary circle in Danielson. I wish it still was a rotary circle. I love rotary circles.


The big list. Coffee was the priority. We were completely out.

Me realizing I left my BlackBerry at home. Oops.

Whoa. Didn't see that coming did you? Welcome to Brooklyn.

I'm glad I don't live there. They never look too happy with their lot in life.

When the leaves come out, the canopy of the trees here is just lovely.

I'm really looking forward to spring...

This is the little pond down the road from my house.

My dog Sam's dog house. He's buried where those daffodils are coming up.

Dishes. I do lots of dishes.

Yay. I look forward to this every week...

Relaxing afternoon.

Dinner preparation time.

Ok. I bought this mandolin slicer last fall. It is a piece of crap. PIECE OF CRAP I TELL YOU!

Look how butchered the onion got. Dumb.

Dins. Tasty.

So bored.

Yup. So bored.
So there you have it. Tomorrow Melisa and I are supposed to do a photo-safari in the Stafford/ Monson area, so hopefully I'll have some fun shots to post.
I loved this! But you don't have a phone, you have a blackberry! :)
true. must edit. =]
Where's the photo documentation from March 27th from 8:30 to 3am? You could've entitled that "Life FAIL." Super awesome!
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