Check this site out. This is where I went today. My family lived in that house for over a 100 years, and a few years ago the historical society bought it and built my cousin who lived there a house behind this property. Today it was officially incorporated into the Minute Man Historical Park.
For those of you familiar with the Revolutionary War: This house was the home of Col. James Barrett. When Paul Revere did his famous ride, word got to Col. Barrett that the "British were coming!". They were coming specifically to this house for the munitions stored there (enough to arm 15,000 men). The family literally plowed the canons, firearms and ammunition into the field next to the house, and when the British soldiers came to the house, they found nothing and Col. Barrett's wife served them breakfast as fighting broke out at the Old North Bridge- the "shot heard 'round the world".
Admittedly, the house had fallen into disrepair in the last 25 years or so, but remained historically accurate, which pleases the preservationists. The last few years have been spent renovating the house to it's former glory and is now being turned into a museum. A lot more work (and fundraising for over $700K needed!) to go!
I can't just give up. I love taking photos. Just because I lost some, doesn't mean I should stop taking them... right?
So here are some I took the other day. I had my camera set on "vivid" through most of it, so that's why some of the colors jump out more than probably normal.
And if you're one of the artists featured here today, that stuff is great. I hope you don't mind I took photos of it!
My hard drive got knocked over this morning. I just plugged it back in, and its making a bit of a buzzing noise and the computer won't recognize it.
All my photographs are gone.
If anybody knows how to or knows someone that can recover hard drive files, cheaply... please let me know. I can't afford to shell out hundreds of dollars. I really just can't.
This is the last photo I was working on... I wasn't done with it. But this blog probably won't get updated for a little while... I don't know. I'm really discouraged about losing the photos.
I'm posting this on Day 4, no matter what the date might say. I'm trying to keep this clean and organized, and saying I'm posting Day 3 on Day 4's date is not clean and organized. I had big plans for yesterday, I swear I did, but got distracted by the job posting that is PERFECT for me. So I worked on my resume and cover letter instead.
I downloaded a trial of Photoshop Elements 7, because technically, since I don't really know how to do anything, that should be enough for me. But after using Photoshop CS4 for a couple of months, this is such a step down, I'm not sure I can take it. Plus, I don't know how to do anything. It took me a long time to figure out how to even make a photo black and white. Not ok. CS4 is where its at. If anybody is looking for a nice birthday present... ordering me a $10 "free" trial for 30 days would be great. You probably thought I'd ask for the full version... sigh. No. I'll get it myself some day, when I have a laptop that can handle CS4's power. Gadgets. Love 'em.
11:30AM: I was supposed to go to Stafford today for a photo-safari of sorts, but the weather isn't great. It's fine for what I want to do today instead, which is go to Mashamoquet and see what I can see. The water levels should be high in the brook and it should be dark and damp there.
My tripod and wireless remote should come in handy today too. I'm pretty psyched about this.
1:30PM: It was super depressing to be at Mashamoquet. Nobody else was there, which was fine with me, but it's still winter there really... the pond is drained, I went up into the pavilion and was creeped out by that. I also forgot my remote, so my long exposures were a failure. Better luck next time. I took the long cut home, up by the Golden Lamb. The clouds were impressive, and there were a few breaks of bright blue sky. And then as I was pulling away, I saw the cross they had put up for the Easter morning Sunrise Service for one of the local churches. The road I was on brought me to my church, so I grabbed a picture of that too. Enjoy!