Back to the dumb cobalt- I got out of the driveway, and sort of slid down the hill in front of my house. Slid right through the stop sign at the end of the road too, but got control of the car before it hit that tree, and before I got to route 6. Route 6 was a bit better because there were more cars warming up the pavement. Almost slid past the road I needed (going to Brooklyn Market or whatever it's called now to get my mom some food items and me some diet coke- EMERGENCY!!) and barely got control of the car pulling into a space.
Side note- I grew up in New England and know how to handle a car in 'weather'. I am not a dumb girl. Trust me on that one.
I get the diet coke and get out of there- there's already a big accident on Route 6/ Route 169 intersection- somebody in an SUV rear ended a CL&P truck. Good job!
I slowly pulled up to Brown Road, and took my left (and my life in my hands) and successfully pulled up the hill. Slowly. I couldn't really hit the gas at all, because as soon as I did, the car would lose traction. I couldn't hit the brakes for sure, because the car would lose traction. I barely made it back up the hill to my house. BARELY.
The dumb cobalt isn't that dumb though... every time I lost traction it would flash "Low Traction". Very helpful! "Ice Possible". You're not kidding cobalt- thanks!
Dear Santa,
New Tires Please!!
1 comment:
If its any consolation the pick me up has 4 wheel drive, and i almost rear ended a car over by chelle's. Came a hand width from it. But stopped. thus resulting in immediate high fives.
Weeee New England!
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