Saturday, December 19, 2009

the 'other' AA

I have a new blog, devoted to the Aidan's Attic endeavor so you won't be reading about that here anymore- because this is supposed to be about photography, not my fledgling 'non-photography' business!

New Blog

I hope you check in on that occasionally- I got some good news today... you'll have to read all about it on the other blog. =]

It's snowing! I hope to be able to take some winter wonderland photos tomorrow morning- my camera battery is charging just in case we should lose power... for now, reading and bedtime!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dog Collars

Listen. I know this is supposed to be about my photography, but I've been busy with this side business of mine, and I'm enjoying what I'm making a LOT and want to share with you, loyal readers.

I'm just really pleased with how these are coming out. I took the photos really quickly this afternoon and didn't put a lot of thought or time into them, but I'm pretty pleased with how they came out too!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I sold two camera strap covers this morning- I am super duper excited because:
1. I've been making stuff and not putting it on Etsy and this isn't exactly cheap, and not the best way to recoup my costs.
2. I've been unemployed for well over a year now, and any income at all is welcome.
3. If I sold not just one, but two! camera strap covers, that must mean I'm not the only one who thinks they're super rad!

I should be getting dog collar hardware in the mail soon, at which point, those will be going up too. I think they're just fantastic, and actually pretty fun to make!

That is all, resume your normal Thursday activities...