Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 5

Went to Casa Mariachi last night- didn't take any pictures. However, Katie and Derek were talking about grad school and when people talk about grad school it makes me want to be back in school. Badly. I feel drawn to business- but don't really want a MBA. I should try to do a certificate in Project Management (BU has a good one- I sent away for the info) and transfer the credits to a Masters later if I so choose. However- it's a bit pricey for my unemployed ass. So I'm going to stick with trying to learn me some Photoshop and hopefully I'll have another job someday that will pay for my tuition.

It's been rainy/ sleeting all day. People are still buying Christmas trees though, so that's good! Determination!

So I took a couple pictures of the tree with the lights on it last night and they came out clearer than I wanted. I know that's weird... but I was late and didn't have time to fiddle with it either. I was on manual and I didn't use a flash and besides the lights from the tree, there's very little light out in the driveway.

This is the result (unedited):

Ok, actually the photo is complete crap. This one is way more exciting- it's the first one I took and was a complete accident and I couldn't even replicate it. That's how awesome I am.

Tomorrow I'll be much better about doing something that's not complete junk. I promise. I know these photos are crap. I know that. Honestly? At the moment, I just want to go back to my bed and watch my other movie. I just finished watching Baby Mama. Now I'm going to watch Run Fat Boy Run. It's got the guy from Shaun of the Dead (Simon Pegg). I'm looking forward to it.

As for the photo I've taken today... this is how I'm feeling about life:


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Day 4

I woke up this morning after Cliff and Darcy's party feeling pretty good considering how much gin bucket I had consumed. Feeling good about winning beirut with Kate too, although I suspect it was a unfair match up- I was on point. As an unemployed person, I should practice more, no?

I did some things today- nothing too exciting. The highlight so far has been taking a three hour nap.

I helped my mom put up some Christmas lights on the tree outside... and I'm leaving in an hour or so to go to Casa Mariachi with the friends for dinner and drinks. I'll bring my camera tonight.

I took a couple pictures from my room (through screen and dirty glass) to the lights on the tree outside, but the photos aren't very good. To be expected. So I'll do those from outside after I dry my hair and maybe I'll post some photos from tonight seeing how it goes.

I shouldn't be yawning at 10:30 tonight at least!

oh.. the second one was edited...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 3

I got my photoshop book in the mail today as well as my remote and I played with those a bit. But then life took me to Stafford for a minute to go to the credit union and say hi to Jill and then back home quickly for dinner and off again to Cliff and Darcy's new place for their party. I made a double gin bucket and probably could have found a number of nice things to take photos of (Darrell certainly did), but I left my camera at home. I feared for its life.

The photo I'm posting today is the tap from JTs in Stafford. I used an action set from here: Pioneer Woman's Photography

Thursday, November 27, 2008

it's still technically day 2

I just had a thought- tomorrow I'm getting a package from with a photoshop CS4 for dummies book and a remote for my camera. A wireless remote. This will help me in taking self portraits which I need/ should do for the 365 project anyway... but then I had the thought of setting up my camera at say... Melisa's house. On a tripod. Set with the remote. Randomly taking photos sans flash so people don't really notice. That could be very interesting and, quite frankly, unsafe for my camera.

I've been reading photography blogs and looking at professional sites for a good six hours.

I'm going to try to go to bed.


P.S.- I love my camera.

The Pie

My mom liked the pie a lot. I thought it was good, but couldn't really taste the cheesecake part- which makes the whole... heart attack on a plate thing... kind of pointless. Right?

And handsome Aidan. Who loves his carrier and hates me for taking pictures of him in his turkey coma.

Day 2- Thanksgiving

It's 4pm, I just finished eating dinner and my mom's cleaning the kitchen. That's fine- because I did a lot of cooking (and cleaning) already. I'm actually feeling like a nap is in order, and I didn't even eat that much turkey!

The pie from yesterday hasn't been sliced open yet. I have no idea how it's going to be.

But now... drum roll please...

the bus:

We took a shuttle bus down from the Academy building area to the Bentley Athletic Complex to see Woodstock Academy whoop Tourtellotte's butts. This photo hasn't been edited... I'm thinking I should post before and after shots when I do edit the stuff in photoshop. I'm not sure what I want to do with this shot anyway- it's not great or anything- I just took it. I have another photo of Darrell that I enjoy (also unedited)...

I'll post the photoshopped versions later (if I do it).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 1

I was just playing around on photography sites and read somebody's resolution to take a photograph every day and post it online... the idea being that if you do something for 365 days, you'll get better at it. Fair enough. I'm not just taking photographs though- I'm going to try to edit each of these photographs in Photoshop as well so I can get better at that. Starting from zero on that front, so we'll see. Hopefully we'll see progress!

This is sort of super-lame... but I baked a 1/2 cheesecake, 1/2 pumpkin pie today. I went through 3 pie crusts before I got that part right... anyway, it looks pretty good. I had to stick a knife in the center to make sure it was done. In this photo posted above, that knife mark is gone. It was super easy and I was impressed with myself.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Going to Woodstock's football game. They have satellite parking and shuttles all set up- apparently they're expecting quite the crowd!